All About SHOW
Who We Are
Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW) is a tri-university, interprofessional, undergraduate student run initiative dedicated to providing vulnerable populations with access to free healthcare and health education programs in Downtown Phoenix. We do this by providing free integrated clinical health services, health promotion and health literacy programs for vulnerable populations such as individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals from low income communities, and individuals recovering from substance use disorders.
Consisting of health professionals in the Maricopa County area as well as over 200 undergraduate and graduate volunteers from all three of Arizona's state universities (Arizona State University, University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University), we work every single week to provide vulnerable populations with health services that they desperately need.
Our Story
In May of 2013, a dedicated group of students, faculty, and staff from Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and The University of Arizona began developing Arizona’s first student-run clinic for individuals experiencing homelessness. This innovative, service-learning program was named the Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW) Community Initiative.
A “pioneer” project for the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, SHOW strives to incorporate interprofessional practices and foster community partnerships in ways that leverage the resources of individuals and organizations for the public good.
Since 2013, more than 150 students from 16 professional programs across the three universities ranging from nursing, social work, nutrition, medicine, pharmacy, physician assistant, audiology, speech pathology, and physical therapy to business, journalism, and computer science, have worked together with faculty and community partners on the design and development of the program. Following a period of intensive development, SHOW officially opened for our first patients during the summer of 2015.
Just three short years later, SHOW has seen over 1400 clients from vulnerable populations such as individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals recovering from substance use. Our acute care clinic has saved over $150,000 in emergency medical expenses, while our health education programs have promoted good health practices with the population we serve, and our Humans of SHOW Project has challenged the stigmas associated with the underserved population, one story at a time. We have also been featured on publications like FOX-10, NPR, AZCentral, Downtown Devil, ASU Now, State Press Magazine
SHOW has been featured on FOX-10, KJZZ, AZcentral, Phoenix Business Journal, KTAR News, Downtown Devil, ASU Now, and State Press Magazine. While they started off as a clinic strictly serving individuals experiencing homelessness, their passion for health and compassion for people has led them to serve all vulnerable populations in any way that they can.